The great spiritual abomination of our time, and our greatest spiritual, social and political challenge is that here and now in the Twenty-first century our faiths still exhibit a corrosive exclusivity towards their brother and sister faiths. They still, deep down, hold onto the belief that there is only one true path to God and that to wander from that path, let alone to walk some other faith’s path is to incur the everlasting ‘wrath’ of God. We are all on the same journey. ALL is ONE. We should know that by now. However, one interesting aspect of our present time is that our faiths have been splitting into a myriad of faiths. This does, to some extent weaken them. But we should see it as a truly positive progression. For as the great faiths of exclusivity weaken, so shall we see them ultimately embrace each other in their imagined weakness. The few of exclusivity have become many. The many through inclusivity, at last, shall become ONE.
This is the profound meaning of our present time. More and more as if at last spirituality, that has been whispering in our ears for millennia, is at last being heard. This is a time of profound spiritual awakening for the human race. This is a sacred moment in our great spiritual and mystical quest if we would but acknowledge it. Deep in our hearts now, deep where the truth of our spiritual being lies slumbering, we are beginning to recognise that we all are linked, that we ALL are ONE. We are ONE people in our nations, and class becomes irrelevant. We are ONE people on this our beautiful Mother Earth, our Holy Gaia, and race becomes irrelevant. We are ONE people of God in our spiritual journeys, and our particular religions become irrelevant. These are the whispers of our time, this is the spiritual murmur that lies deep in our souls, deep in the sacred and mystical heart of us all: that exclusivity breaks the sacred integrity of the infinite and eternal cosmos; that exclusivity breaks the blessed humanity of our Mother Earth: that exclusivity breaks the very fabric of our nations.
Yes, the whispers of all that is sacred within our hearts, the whispers that are ever more building up into a blessed shout in our souls and minds and that can no longer be ignored. And we ignore it at our spiritual peril. For the Truth is upon us, and is touching our outer minds after for so long being buried within our secret and sacred souls. Now, in this our time, we cannot claim that we cannot hear the Truth of our hearts and the truth of our destiny. The time has come to live that truth. It is too loud in us now, and to deny it, to attempt to stifle it, will be to spiritually blight us.
The TIME of the TRUTH is NOW. For ALL is ONE.
The EXCLUSIVITY of faiths,
Where each path was the one true path,
Has split into a myriad of paths:
Leading ultimately to: