A silhouetted figure stares into the night sky. The Milky Way is radiant with spiritual beauty. Beyond the figure we see a vast military graveyard. The white crosses stretch to the horizon, indeed they stretch to the stars. It is in the star-studded heavens that the souls and spirits, the hopes and dreams of these fallen soldiers belong, and where we can sense that they reside. An image of war can bring spiritual angst and despair. But this scene reminds us that the heavens await us, that peace and sanctuary await us.
Yes, the heavens await us, and this is known here not through words, but through the opening of our spirit and soul to the spiritual sanctuary, the sacred and transcendent peace of the eternal infinity of the ALL. The words of our scriptures can guide us and inspire us, but we must never let them be the prison guards of our souls. When we say to someone, ‘I love you’, or someone says, ‘I love you’, to us, we are not engaging in any sort of instruction or command, we are engaged in the opening up of our souls to OTHER. Words can be, and so often are, powerful; but in the end we must be the spiritual entities that retain control. Our sacred spiritual journey is forever our sacred spiritual journey, our sacred and spiritual pilgrimage. The mystical unfoldment of our inner spiritual life is not lived through command or instruction: it is LIVED. The words of our scriptures that command, break the fundamental spiritual Truth of the eternal infinity to which we belong. Words that command separate us from that which commands. Words that inspire, words that offer guidance and nurture our spiritual and mental integrity, are words that are inclusive and in their inclusivity are Holy. We are not the people we were when our scriptures were first laid down. We have moved on, we have learnt, we have evolved mentally and spiritually. Within a few hundred years of our scriptures being laid down, we were actually assuming that God required of us the slaughter of those who followed other ways. We have evolved! Mentally and spiritually. We have become pilgrims on a sacred way on a sacred Mother Earth; spiritual pilgrims who at last recognise and rejoice in the fundamental spirituality of our planet, of our environment of our Holy Gaia. We no longer find our meaning in ancient texts, we find our true meaning in our own spiritual pilgrimage that recognises and rejoices in everyone else’s spiritual pilgrimage. We are ONE; ONE with ALL. And that is our spiritual purpose and our sacred and spiritual destiny.
If scripture told us to hate and kill,
Would we obey?
If not:
Then we own an inner guidance
That forever transcends scripture.