An old and bearded wise man, a mystic, stares out from a background of a galaxy and a star field. He is a spiritual quester. He is ONE with the starry heavens. And he is ONE with us, on whom he looks with deep love and understanding.
The reason why psychics and dowsers etc do not always get the consistent results that science so often requires of them, is because just as with physicists when working deep in the strange realities of quantum mechanics, they are working at the absolute extremes of physical reality. Consequently, two things affect what they are attempting: 1. the state of the moment. Probing along the very edge of the physical, everything is affected by the quality – not just the quantities involved – of the moment – as Jung has pointed out. 2. The state of the observer –
Science has taught us that reality, the stuff that makes up our physical; world, our physical selves and our physical universe, is founded on principles that so far defy our understanding and seemingly defy our understanding of logic. But there is a simple reason for this conundrum, this un-realness that lies at the very heart of what we take to be real. Our problem is that we have developed science as being exclusively defined by the logic of physical cause and effect. And at the mundane level this has been sensible and useful. But there is another way of looking at this.
Within our spiritual pilgrimage, within our mystic unfoldment as we reach in our hearts and souls for the eternal infinity of the stars, we begin to know, we begin to understand, that the universe cannot be properly defined in physical terms. The universe is sentient, is conscious. And that means that the universe, our stars and planets, and of course our beautiful Mother Earth, our Holy Gaia, and we ourselves, are all sentient, conscious, aware, self-aware, and thereby are spiritual entities: all consciously themselves, and all spiritually and consciously connected: every ONE with ALL.
When we as individuals embark consciously – we are ALL on it subconsciously, because that is what we are – upon the spiritual pilgrimage, upon the sacred and mystical quest, we are touching the very spiritual and sentient heart of everything that is, and indeed everything that was, and everything that will be. Indeed, as we enter upon the spiritual quest, we are no outliers, we are actually living-out what we and everyone actually is; we are living-out the spiritual reality of our sentience, and of our connectedness with the spiritual sentience of the ALL. We are not missing the point when we embark upon the spiritual pilgrimage. Instead, the point is that we and everything is spiritual because everything IS sentient, and more than that once consciously upon the spiritual pilgrimage, we become, indeed we are, the point.
The fact that science has shown us the seeming illogicality of the very stuff of existence, of reality itself, is the greatest clue we could possibly have that our spiritual pilgrimage, our sacred and mystical quest is absolutely and utterly the key, and is absolutely and utterly that actually infinite and eternal reality of US, of our Mother Earth, of our Holy Gaia, of our universe, and of the ALL.
The edge of the physical,
Where mystics peer,
Is the edge of meaning;
All touched by the state of the moment,
And the state of the observer.