We see a distant galaxy in the depths of starlit space. Here is the mystery of creation and existence. Here are the heavens, and in the galaxy itself, no doubt here is life. Here, so far from us, are all the spiritual aspirations of evolving and unfolding consciousnesses. Here are planets, earths, other people’s Gaias. Here in a billion places, are billions of spiritual awakenings, here are sacred religious sites, and beautiful sacred places. Here are a billion spiritual quests, here are a billion environments being threatened and being healed. Here are billions of links and paths of love. Here are ourselves, in all our various phases of spiritual unfoldment. We are ONE with all of creation, ONE with the mystical, spiritual meaning of all God’s pilgrims. And ONE too with all the infinite varieties of flora and fauna that are nurtured by all the beautiful earths, and that also contribute to the beauty and sacredness of those planets. Here in the deepest realms of infinity and eternity, is our transcendent spiritual destiny.