The United States Supreme Court stands before us. It could be any country’s highest court. Here is where the law is decided. But there is also the face of a bearded old man, the face of a prophet. This wise old man, with his white hair and beard, as if he is God Himself, reminds us of the HIGHER LAW. The laws of countries might change. But the HIGHER LAW is changeless. All must accept the laws of their respective country’s highest courts. But we ignore that wise old man’s HIGHER LAW, at our peril.
The laws of our lands are clear, and in order to survive in our lands we do well to obey the laws of our lands. But that is essentially all about survival, about just getting by. It is not about flourishing in terms of ourselves as members of societies and families. We must never lose sight of the fact that there is always the Higher Law, the law that relates to matters spiritual, that relates to our sacred pilgrimage, our quest, our spiritual journey whilst we are here on our Mother Earth our Gaia. Our relationships, our friendships are founded on spiritual matters such as honesty and integrity, such as love and care; or our friendships and relationships are but nothing. The prophets of old knew this, and in ancient times tried to tell us this: that we are forever deep-set in moral and spiritual matters, that we are forever answerable in our souls to the Higher Law of Spirit. Religions have always tried to tell us this, and then we have systematised our religions until they invariably become manifestations of mere lower laws. We can wheel and deal and manoeuvre ourselves through all the intricacies of the law so that we remain on the ‘right’ side of the law in order to achieve our needs and ambitions that are only centred upon ourselves. But if we are to truly flourish, if we are to truly know love and honour and respect, and indeed if we are to truly know self-respect, then we must be honourable and compassionate, we must have true integrity. These are spiritual matters. If we live our lives in full awareness of the fact that we are indeed deep-set on our sacred and spiritual quest and pilgrimage, if we live our lives in true inclusivity with everyone and everything; if, for example, we care for our Mother Earth, our Holy Gaia, not because we will suffer if our Mother Earth becomes sickly, but because we love our Mother Earth, and care for all the flora and fauna of our Holy planet, then we shall be abiding by the Higher Law, and ALL shall flourish, and we within the embrace of inclusivity shall flourish too. To only find meaning in our own ends, is to fail, and is to reap an ultimate ‘doom’. Now that we have achieved undreamt of wealth in terms of what we can produce, we can even afford to abide by the Higher Law. Our Time awaits us. The spiritual awakening of humanity properly into the Higher Law can be upon us. The choice is ours. It is a spiritual choice, and this is a sacred moment in our spiritual evolution. Inclusivity is the key, embracing the ALL in terms of ALL our fellow humans, and ALL of our planet is all that we need to do in order to spiritually flourish here on Earth.
To survive we must obey the law.
To flourish we must obey the HIGHER LAW,
The ethical law:
The Law of Spirit.